

Sunday 10:00 AM | 9090 W Oak St, zionsville, IN 46077

mission to our neighbors and the nations

Our purpose as a church is to glorify God by being and making disciples of Jesus Christ who are a community of worshippers on mission. We live out the “mission” part of this in a couple ways: First, by living as faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ in our everyday lives among our families, neighborhoods, and communities. Second, we organize our efforts and support like-minded partners and ministries for the sake of local mission to our neighbors and global mission to the nations.

The following statement and values guide our organized mission efforts. 

MIssion statement

To make disciples and to plant and strengthen multiplying churches by spreading the gospel and serving those in need among all peoples.

  • Make disciples: Our work is especially focused on spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, calling people to follow him, and helping them grow as his disciples (Matt. 28:16–20).
  • Plant and strengthen multiplying churches: The goal of missions is to establish healthy churches that are able to continue the work of making disciples and planting more churches. We also work to strengthen already-existing local churches to help them grow in making disciples, biblical doctrine, leadership development, and serving the needy (Acts 14:21–23). 
  • Spreading the gospel and serving those in need: We seek to reflect Christ’s comprehensive and compassionate ministry of both speaking the gospel message and serving with good works (Mark 6:34­–36).
  • Among all peoples: The mission of Christ’s people is to spread the gospel across the globe and create worshipers from every ethnically and linguistically unique people group. We are committed to reaching the least-reached people groups that presently have limited or no faithful gospel witness (Rom. 15; Rev. 7).

Mission values

Our biblical, shared, core beliefs that help guide our decisions and practice towards fruitful mission engagement:

  • Gospel Centrality: Proclaiming and demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Intentional Focus: Proactively seeking and regularly evaluating partnerships to align with ZF's missions strategies and focus.
  • Commitment to the Unreached: Partnering to reach the least reached people groups of the world.
  • Relational Connection: Consistently encouraging, supporting, and praying for our partners.
  • Priority of the Local Church: Prioritizing work that makes and matures disciples to serve in and through the local church.
  • Whole Church Engagement: Mobilizing members to engage in global missions by learning, praying, encouraging, sending, giving, or going.

mission newsletter

If you would like to receive the Missions Newsletter and how you can pray for our missionaries, please sign up below.

Missions Newsletter Sign Up

mission opportunities


European Leadership Forum
ELF Volunteers Needed 

May 13-24, 2025

May 13 and 24 are travel dates
Wisla, Poland

Volunteers support ELF in ways including but not limited to video camera operators, travel, bookstore, etc. 

Apply by January 31, 2025. Click here for the application link. 

Estimated cost is $1,825 plus airfare 

Jonathan and Kendra Kohl - Japan Initiative

VBS Volunteers Needed

 July 28 - August 1, 2025

Kobe, Japan

Grapevine Church

 Volunteers will help the Kohl’s launch the first ever Vacation Bible School at Grapevine Church.  Scholarships are available.  Contact the missions team with questions: zfmissions@zionsvillefellowship.org


European Leadership Forum
ELF Volunteers Needed 

May 12-23, 2026

May 12 and 23 are travel days
Wisla, Poland

Volunteers support ELF in ways including but not limited to video camera operators, travel, bookstore, etc. 

More information to come 

Estimated cost is $1,825 plus airfare 


Indy Internationals

  • Homestay Host -  Many international students at IU and Purdue Indianapolis are looking for host families to live with while they complete their undergraduate or graduate degrees. Indy Internationals partners with the universities to place students in homes for three months and up to the entire duration of their studies. Applications for the summer and fall semesters are now being accepted. 
  • Cleanup - Volunteer at Indy Internationals student houses in south Broad Ripple. Projects include deep cleaning, painting, landscaping and general upkeep/maintenance. Volunteering can be done individually on your own time or coordinated with a group of 5-8 people.  

If you are interested in either opportunity, contact Brad Nelson at brad@indyinternationals.org

Love INC Boone County

  •  Receptionist – Hours are from 10 am until 4 pm.
  • Clearinghouse – Make phone calls to neighbors-in-need to schedule appointments, offer comfort, and prayer and collect information. Various times available.
  • Furniture Ministry – Load gently used furniture and deliver it to the neighbors-in-need. One time per month.
  • Transformational Ministry Community Classes – Seeking teachers/leaders starting in the fall of 2024 for classes on finances, affirming potential ,and healthy boundaries. More classes, including Bible classes will be added. Also seeking volunteers to provide meals for the classes. Once per week for up to 12 weeks.
  • Annual Banquet Fundraiser – Serve on the planning committee with Love INC staff to assist with scheduling speakers, offer ideas, help with the auction, decorations, etc.

Neighborhood Fellowship

  • Food Pantry - to give a gift online, click HERE.
  • Food Pantry - to donate food, contact Vince Flecker at (vflecker565@gmail.com)
  • VBS (June 9-13, 2025) - to volunteer, click HERE

Neighborhood Academy

  • Volunteer with children - Contact Hannah Nilsen at (hrkay24@gmail.com)
  • Provide a meal - Click HERE for details or contact Kristen Isley at (isley9922@gmail.com)
  • To donate supplies - Click HERE to find their Amazon Wish List

mission partners

C* and I*

They have received and accepted the call to become overseas workers in a closed country in Asia. Their mission is to see healthy local churches planted among unreached people groups (UPGs) in this country. Due to security concerns in the rural and unreached areas, they plan to partner with existing local churches in a larger, more reached city. Their short-term goal is to help these churches grow in maturity, and their long-term hope is to mobilize these churches to send out their own missionaries to the most unreached areas of their own country.


*As they will be serving in a closed country, their names are omitted. 

  Learn More


Jeff Boxell | Wheeler Mission Ministries

Wheeler Mission helps the homeless in Indiana. Its mission is to provide Christ centered programs and services for the homeless and those in need. Its vision is to see every man, woman and child who they serve become equipped to be productive citizens who enjoy lasting success in Christ.

Founded in 1893, Wheeler is the oldest continuously operating ministry of its kind in the state of Indiana as well as the largest and most diverse ministry.

Wheeler is a non-denominational Christian social services organization, which provides needed goods and services to the homeless, poor and needy of central Indiana. Wheeler is not a church, but does cooperate with many different churches that are concerned about poverty and homelessness in the inner city.

Brad Nelson | Indy Internationals


Indy Internationals exists to serve students, refugees and immigrants in the Indianapolis area. The organization recognizes that coming to a new country can be frightening, often while facing difficult situations for which they are unprepared. Indy Internationals helps to integrate these students, refugees and immigrants into the community, understand the culture and experience life in America’s heartland.

Brad and his wife, Christy, who live in Indianapolis with their two children, Jaydah and Isaac, have traveled to more than 25 countries and have welcomed students into their home from Middle Eastern, Asian, and African countries all while helping others adjust to life in America. To learn more about Indy Internationals, visit www.indyinternationals.org.

email Brad

Todd & Robyn leyden | Fort Wilderness Ministries

For over 50 years Fort Wilderness Ministries has provided a place of refuge where families and young people come to hear about Jesus in a wilderness setting located in northern Wisconsin. Tens of thousands of people have experienced God’s love from the staff and counselors since 1956 when the camp was opened. In a society where there is a loss of Christian worldview and the breakup of 50% of American families, Fort Wilderness offers a safe place for people who are hurting, oppressed, or just worn out to come and be refreshed and resupplied with the absolute truth of God’s Word.

Fort Wilderness offers year-round activities with the major camping experiences being conducted in the summer and weekend retreats being scheduled by churches and other groups throughout the year. To learn more, visit fortwilderness.com.

dAVID mUSA | save

Sierra Leone Agape Voluntary Effort

SAVE's focus is to reach out with the love of Jesus Christ to the country of Sierra Leone, a country that has been devastated by years of civil war and destruction. It is SAVE’s desire to bring physical help in the form of basic resources such as clean water, school buildings, supplies and personnel to allow the people of the village Kenema to become self-sustaining and live healthy, productive, Christ-centered lives.

David Musa, who grew up in a traditional African environment in Sierra Leone, felt called to help his homeland, which suffered the devastation of life, property and social services after the civil war, which occurred between 1992-2002. With David’s help and leadership, SAVE came into existence in 1999 as an expression of love and concern for deteriorating human conditions. SAVE has undertaken two specific projects: Adopt a School and Adopt a Village. SAVE has partnered with churches in Sierra Leone to build a seven-room school. A well was dug in 2010, through the services of World Hope, and is now pumping clean water into the village for the first time.

Future plans include developing a medical clinic and building a parsonage for the church pastor. To learn more, visit www.savesierraleone.org.

email david

Greg Pritchard | FOCL

Forum Of Christian Leaders

The primary function of (FOCL) is to organize and conduct the European Leadership Forum each year in Hungary. The Forum exists to identify, unite, equip and resource European Christian leaders to re-evangelize Europe and to renew the biblical church. The Forum seeks to help these leaders (1) present the Gospel confidently, lovingly and persuasively; (2) develop and implement the best strategies for reaching their own countries for Christ; (3) lead their churches, schools and other organizations faithfully and with godly wisdom; (4) mentor the next generation of evangelical leaders; and (5) plant new churches and renew existing local churches.

For more information, visit https://euroleadership.org.

email greg

Neighborhood Fellowship & Academy | debbie strietelmeier

Jim and Debbie Strietelmeier, along with their family, planted Neighborhood Fellowship in 1996. For over 26 years, they cared for the poor on the near east side of Indianapolis by ministering to the souls, minds and bodies of their neighbors. While Jim passed away in May 2023, Debbie continues to serve and minister to those within Neighborhood Fellowship and the surrounding community. 

Debbie leads the Agape Ministry at Neighborhood Fellowship. Agape is a weekly ministry to sex workers that seeks to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the ladies in a safe and loving environment. She also works at Neighborhood Academy, the private K-12 school operated by the church. Debbie coordinates the meals that are an important part of Neighborhood’s gatherings. Whether it is lunch after their Sunday morning service, or dinner at their monthly Wednesday night communion service, inviting people to share in a meal is an integral part of their ministry on the near east side. She helps with the food pantry at the church, which provides critical assistance to neighbors in need. In addition to all this, Deb invests significant time in discipling the younger women of the church. 

For more information, visit https://neighborhoodfellowshipchurch.com.

Email Debbie

Adi Ferguson | Campus Life

Adi Ferguson is the Director of Zionsville Campus Life and has been in this role for three years. She coordinates with the middle and high schools in Zionsville to create a before school program for students to learn more about Jesus.

Campus Life, which is a subsidiary of Youth for Christ, seeks to be a place where students of all backgrounds can gather in the public school to hear about the Good News of Jesus Christ. Campus Life ministry combines healthy relationships with adults while generating creative programs to help young people make good choices, establish a solid foundation for life and positively impact their schools. Campus Life seeks to engage these young people wherever they are found as life-long followers of Jesus Christ.

To volunteer or for additional information, contact Adi at aferguson@ciyfc.org or join their Facebook page: Zionsville Campus Life.

Email Adi

A* and C*

A* and C* have received and accepted the call to become overseas workers in a closed country in South Asia. They hope to see God use them to plant a faithful church among a people group that has no access to a saving gospel message in their heart language.

Their efforts will start with learning the language/culture and building a network of friendships. They will also be working in an existing business or starting their own business, which will allow them to keep a visa long-term and build relationships within their community. After they have a high proficiency in the minority language and good friendships, they hope to share the gospel among small groups of friends. One day, they hope to leave behind an indigenous church with mature leaders who teach and hold fast to scripture.

They began a partnership with a US company who has agreed to employ A as a sales rep in the area they will be stationed.

*As they will be serving in a closed country, names are omitted.

Learn More

Jonathan & Kendra Kohl

Jonathan Kohl is discipling through business on how to live out the Gospel in real life and seeking to raise up companies that model practically how Jesus really does bring good news to workers and their families. They currently have three “daughter” organizations being run by fellow believers: Orient Market Insight (market research company), LAMPS (translation company in the healthcare industry) and the KENTO Center NPO (Kids Education ‘N Therapy Overseas).

The mission for the KENTO Center is to come alongside local families and
internationals whose kids need some extra support in school, affirming everyone’s
God given value and helping people to achieve the potential for which they were
created. The Kohls are excited for a new Japanese couple that want to partner with
the KENTO Center to try to open their own Café in the space.

Jonathan’s wife, Kendra, is primarily a homemaker, but she is also excited to have
various opportunities with women in their sphere of influence, as well as working with the elementary age and beyond children at their small church.

Their son, Joshua, is on the brink of Middle School and is both serious-minded and
delightful. He is growing at his international studies school.

email jonathan

Steve & Jill Lehe

Fort Wilderness Ministries is a Christian camp in the north woods of Wisconsin and is committed to creating an atmosphere where spiritual and relational growth can take place. Steve and Jill Lehe felt the call to join the Fort Wilderness staff while volunteering at the Great White North retreat in January 2017. They officially joined the staff at the Christian camp in the Northwoods of Wisconsin in April 2018.

Steve is the Director of Construction and Master Plan Development. He is responsible for the development and construction of the capital projects which include new facilities, renovations to existing buildings as well as upgrades or replacements to existing building components.


S and B – Central America

S* and B* have been serving in Central America since August 2011. Their ministry focuses on discipling at-risk youth through intentional, long-term relationships with teens and their families. In addition to weekly Bible studies, S & B seek to help young people in every area of their lives by tutoring, counseling, and helping connect them to local churches. They seek to live out their faith among those they work with and model healthy family life to those who have never seen anything but brokenness and dysfunction.

 S and B also work to build cross-cultural bridges by hosting mission teams and interns. Their hope is to create positive experiences where North Americans can both serve and learn from their Central American brothers and sisters in Christ. Often these trips benefit House of Hope, a shelter for women and girls, who are victims of human trafficking. 


*As they will be serving in a closed country, names are omitted.



Fort Wilderness Ministries is a Christian camp in the north woods of Wisconsin and is committed to creating an atmosphere where spiritual and relational growth can take place. Fort has special meaning to both Kurtis and Carrie Moss. Carrie began attending both Zionsville Fellowship church and Fort at 3 years of age. Kurtis grew up in Indiana and first came to camp in 2009 on a Project Serve Team. The two married in 2012. In 2017, Kurtis and Carrie moved to Nicaragua to start a discipleship program for college students in their city. After a furlough in the US, they were on their way back to Nicaragua in March 2020 when COVID-19 closed Central America. In God's Providence, that closed door led to an open door to serve at Fort Wilderness. It has been a dream of theirs to serve on staff at Fort since they first served together in 2009.

Kurtis serves as the Student Ministries Director, supporting and leading Fort's ministry to students at all three sites: Main Camp, Adventure Outpost, and Leadership Lab. He is also the Retail Manager where he oversees the coffee shop, canteen and merchandise. As the Staff and Volunteer Coordinator, Carrie oversees the hundreds of volunteers that serve at Fort throughout the year and over 70 staff hired each summer to serve at camp.




Family hope 

Family Hope is a collaboration of area churches providing supportive relationships for isolated families. They are a Christian, non-profit operating through a team of trained and vetted volunteers who offer temporary housing of children, connections and guidance for parents, and are a bridge to family stability.

The mission of Family Hope is to bring hope to families through caring, connective relationships formed in the redemptive love of Jesus by providing a church-led, preventative, double-voluntary model of care. Being church-led means that Family Hope believes the Church is God’s design to care for the most vulnerable. Preventative means that Family Hope wraps around families before abuse/neglect begin. Double-voluntary is non-coercive for parents requesting support and Host Families receive no monetary compensation.

Family Hope seeks to help parents get on their feet by providing short-term care for their children through volunteer Host Families and Support Friends. People or families can volunteer by being a Host Family by receiving children in their home for a period of time; as a Support Friend, who wraps around a parent, hosted children and/or the Host Family; or as a Support Coach, who is the main liaison between the parent and the Host Family.

 For more information or to become a Host Family or other volunteer, contact Cathie Lewis at zvillecathie@gmail.com or visit www.familyhope.info.

Great banquet 

The Great Banquet is a 72-hour experience running Thursday evening through Sunday evening where guests who attend experience and learn about God’s love and grace. It is a way of living out God’s vision for true, non-denominational Christian fellowship. Awakenings are a modified shorter version of the Great Banquet designed to meet the needs and interest of high school students. The weekend is not meant to be a one-time mountaintop experience but a way to jumpstart your lifelong discipleship of Christ with a new enthusiasm.

The Great Banquet examines Christianity as a lifestyle and is an orderly, structured experience designed to strengthen and renew the faith of Christians. Through a combined effort of laypersons and clergy, the Great Banquet focuses on the renewal of the Church as well as being and making disciples of Christ. 

Guests stay on-site at Zionsville Presbyterian Church the entire weekend and enjoy wonderful meals, thoughtful talks and conversations in a small group setting. It is open to all denominations or to anyone seeking a relationship with Christ. There are separate weekends for men and women that are open to adults of all ages. Reservations are required and spaces are allotted on a first-come basis. 

For additional information on attending or how to support this ministry, please visit their website at www.zionsvillegb.org.

indianapolis theological seminary

Indianapolis Theological Seminary (ITS) exists for the glory of God and for the good of the church. The mission of ITS is to collaborate with local churches for biblical and theological training. Their vision is to be the foremost accredited seminary in the region, known for their impact for the gospel on churches and the community. They are committed to:

  • Providing quality biblical and theological scholarship
  • Training future pastors and leaders through local church internships
  • Responding with God’s truth to the question of today’s culture
  • Ensuring an accessible and affordable education.

ITS is local, Christ-centered and God-exalting, academically robust, life-friendly, church-connected, church-uniting and affordable. ITS is purpose-built to train leaders in central Indiana in conjunction with and in service of, local churches. These distinctives represent the way they serve their students, the community and God.

For more information, visit www.indysem.org.

Kairos Prison Ministries 

Kairos Prison Ministry International is a Christian, faith-based ministry which addresses the spiritual needs of incarcerated men, women, youth and their families. By sharing the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, Kairos hopes to change hearts, transform lives and impact the world.

The vision of Kairos Prison Ministry is to provide a community that is spiritually freed from the effects of imprisonment, reaching all impacted by incarceration through the love, hope and faith found in Jesus Christ. The word Kairos is Greek and means in God’s Special Time or In the Fullness of Time, indicating an opportunity for participants and guests to reconsider their life choices. As hearts are changed, inmates begin to take responsibility for their actions.

To learn more, visit www.kairosofindiana.org.



The mission of Life Centers of Indianapolis is to affirm the value of life by providing a network of care to those experiencing pregnancy-related crisis and by compassionately presenting biblical truth resulting in changed lives to the glory of God. “We believe the love and salvation found in Jesus Christ is the hope for those facing unplanned pregnancies.”

Life Centers helps thousands of women and families each year at their six centers in Central Indiana. They provide free services such as confidential peer counseling, pregnancy tests, ultrasounds (when medically appropriate), accurate information on abortion risks and alternatives, a 24-hour Help Line, and maternity support items such as diapers, bottles, clothes, toys, furniture, etc. They provide Bibles and gospel outreach, a recovery ministry called SOAR (Spiritually Oriented Abortion Recovery), as well as referrals for medical services, financial resources and adoption. They also now offer pregnancy and new parent courses at each of their locations through BrightCourse, an online curriculum that helps broaden levels of knowledge, self-confidence and independence as parenting skills increase. To learn more, visit lifecenters.com or contact them at 317-280-2635.

Love inc

Love In the Name of Christ Boone County is a unique network of churches and agencies that respond to the needs of ordinary people who need hope in the midst of a difficult time in life. Unexpected events like the loss of a job, a serious health diagnosis, a failed relationship, or a major home repair can sometimes cause major disruptions to normal life. Hundreds of volunteers are mobilized to care for and walk with people through these challenging times.

The mission of Love INC is to mobilize area churches to transform lives and communities In the Name of Christ.

The first Love INC was founded in 1977 by a Christian social worker in Holland, Michigan. Love INC now has over 150 affiliates in 30 states and three countries. Love INC of Boone County was formed in 2007. The Boone County Clearinghouse was officially opened in September 2008 to accept calls for assistance. Today more than 39 churches throughout Boone County partner with Love INC to assist people with needs and to do so In the Name of Christ.

With the support of partnering churches, Love INC began providing housing for families through the “Homes from the Heart” program in January 2022 with a single apartment in Lebanon. They now have 2 apartments and also partner with Zionsville Presbyterian Church to provide a single-family home for a family through this program. 

Families in the program receive free rent and utilities for a period of 3 months. During that time, they work with Love INC staff and church volunteers to develop financial and life goals and to create a plan to begin moving toward fulfillment of those goals. Love INC staff monitors their progress and may grant extensions at their discretion. Churches come alongside the participants to provide the supplies needed to set up a household, deliver weekly meals, and provide encouragement.

Welcome Baskets 

Welcome Baskets is a compassionate initiative focused on providing support and resources to individuals and families within the immigration community. Their mission is to create a welcoming environment where immigrants feel supported, valued, and understood, alleviating feelings of isolation and uncertainty. Welcome Baskets reaches out to new migrants, builds relationships, fills gaps in services, and connects people to resources and each other. For additional information, visit www.welcome-baskets.org.


The Zionsville Food Pantry serves the needs of Zionsville and Boone County. The facility is located on the Zionsville Presbyterian Church property at 4775 W 116th Street, Zionsville.

  • The pantry is one of two TEFAP (The Emergency Food Assistance Program) pantries in Boone County serving USDA food. TEFAP is a federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income needy persons, including elderly people, by providing them with emergency food and nutrition assistance. Nearly 120 families are served each week.  
  • The pantry strives to show and share Christ’s love through this ministry by accepting prayer requests and providing written devotions if desired.  
  • The pantry serves clients on Thursdays from 5 pm to 6 pm and Fridays from 12 pm to 2 pm.
  • Ways to serve:
    1. Donate by sending a check to the address above.
    2. Purchase Simply Give food cards at Meijer in $10 increments.
    3. Email the team at foodpantry@zpc.org for specific opportunities to serve.
    4. Zionsville Fellowship serves on the morning of the second Thursday in October to move and store food from a USDA truck delivery.
    5. Other service opportunities will be posted on the monitor at the Missions Wall. (For more information on ways to serve, click here:  https://www.zpc.org/articles/zionsville-food-pantry/.