Neighborhood Fellowship


Sunday 10:00 AM | 9090 W Oak St, zionsville, IN 46077


 Neighborhood Fellowship is our sister church located on the near east side of Indianapolis (3102 E. 10th St.). Started by Jim and Debbie Strietelmeier, the church has preached the gospel and embodied the love of Christ among the urban poor for over 25 years. Although Jim went to be with the Lord in 2023, Debbie continues to serve there, and the work they began together continues on East 10th Street and beyond. The elders of Neighborhood Fellowship are Huri Cañas, Barry Glaser, Mike Hale, and Max Weiss. There are a number of ways that people from ZF can get involved in the great work that Neighborhood Fellowship is doing in the city. 

Neighborhood Academy 

The church operates a small Christian school in their building that serves children from the church family and the surrounding community. Neighborhood Academy is volunteer-run and offers a tuition-free education to students from kindergarten through 12th grade. Their mission is to show the love of Christ to students through education and discipleship. Ministry opportunities at the school include teaching a class, tutoring a child, reading with students, serving as a prayer partner, providing a meal, and donating supplies.

If you are interested in volunteering with children at Neighborhood Academy, contact Hannah Nilsen at If you are interested in providing a meal for Neighborhood Academy, click here for details. You can also contact Kristen Isley for more information at If you would like to donate supplies to the school, you can find their Amazon Wishlist hereIf you would like to help clean the school facilities for a few hours on a Saturday, CLICK HERE or contact Kristen Isley at  

Food Pantry 

Neighborhood Fellowship also operates a food pantry. You can financially support the food pantry by designating a gift to ZF to be used for this ministry. There is also a team of people who deliver food to Neighborhood Fellowship every month. If you would like to give online toward the food pantry, click here  and select NF Food Pantry from the Fund dropdown menu. If you are interested in helping out with food pantry deliveries, contact Vince Flecker at

The Compassion Clinic 

Neighborhood Fellowship hosts the largest volunteer clinic in the nation. Under the leadership of Dr. Javier Sevilla and the IU School of Medicine, this free clinic provides primary care-based medical, dental, social, and legal services for the uninsured and underserved in the Indianapolis community. Located in a dedicated space just across the street from Neighborhood Fellowship, the clinic is open to the public on Wednesday evenings and Saturdays. Zionsville Fellowship financially supports the work of the clinic, but additional gifts are always welcome. Donations can be made either toward the operations of the clinic or toward the maintenance of the building.
If you would like to make a donation for the operations of the clinic (medicine, lab tests, supplies), you can give directly to the IU Student Outreach Clinic. Information can be found here. If you would like to make a donation toward the maintenance of the building, you can give to Neighborhood Fellowship and designate your gift for the clinic.  

Vacation Bible School 

Every summer, the church hosts a week-long VBS for children. ZF partners with Neighborhood Fellowship by providing volunteers to run the VBS programming, while the leaders and members of Neighborhood Fellowship provide ongoing ministry to those families before and after VBS week. This year VBS at Neighborhood will be from June 9-13, 2025. If you are interested in serving at VBS, please contact Taylor Sutton at Click Here if you would like to volunteer at NF VBS. 


Communion Service

On the first Wednesday of each month, Neighborhood Fellowship enjoys a meal together and celebrates the Lord’s Supper. Participating in a communion service is a great way to get to know our brothers and sisters at Neighborhood and enjoy fellowship with them. The gathering begins at 6:30 pm.